Join an energetic, result-oriented, fun loving team of data analysts, business analysts and data scientists.


Career Opportunities

We are driven by 3 important elements of work culture defined by 3 Fs – Freedom, Flexibility, and Fun which we consider are essential for growth of the individual and in turn growth of the company.


We provide an environment of minimum supervision and maximum freedom to enable an individual to work with enthusiasm. We provide freedom to express oneself freely and freedom to learn the tools, technologies and languages which an individual considers fit for his personal growth and for developing his full potential by providing him opportunities for continuous learning and growth.


We provide flexibility to work from the comfort of your homes, at hours which you find convenient only condition being completion of the tasks assigned to you on time.


We provide flexibility to work from the comfort of your homes, at hours which you find convenient only condition being completion of the tasks assigned to you on time.


We value the importance of fun in our lives to relax, reenergise and decouple from the hectic work schedule. We promote fun parties, outgoings and games to recharge and reenergise ourselves.

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