


We have domain expertise to process and analyze data pertaining to wide range of industries and extract meaningful insights relevant to these domains:

Healthcare Analytics

We combine healthcare data from varied sources and analyze data to gather and evaluate key metrics related to drug performance, brand perceptions to develop better products, evaluate the performance of new drugs and build better marketing strategies.

Retail Analytics

We massage data gathered from different stores and provide comprehensive insights into KPIs related to store performance across different regions, product performance across different stores to evaluate and build better marketing strategies, manage store inventories efficiently and effectively and realize increased ROI by offering products relevant to market segment.

Retail Analytics

We massage data gathered from different stores and provide comprehensive insights into KPIs related to store performance across different regions, product performance across different stores to evaluate and build better marketing strategies, manage store inventories efficiently and effectively and realize increased ROI by offering products relevant to market segment.


Our insightful reports help clients in identifying KPI for brand performance viz-a-viz competitors, product performance, customer’s perceptions, attitudes and behavior related to products and brands critical for:

  • Getting better understanding of the target audience and market,
  • Develop better marketing strategies
  • Offer better product-price mix,
  • Develop and innovate better products,
  • Improve customer experience and loyalty to brand and
  • Capture new clientele and markets

Finance Analytics

We provide insightful reports helpful in getting trend & patterns, identifying the KPI for:

  • Financial Products performance across different regions.
  • Product performance comparison.
  • Risk & Fraud detection.
  • Shaping future goals

Finance Analytics

We provide insightful reports helpful in getting trend & patterns, identifying the KPI for:

  • Financial Products performance across different regions.
  • Product performance comparison.
  • Risk & Fraud detection.
  • Shaping future goals


Our CDR based analytical insights help the telecom service provider in:

  • Identifying the segments based on customer’s daily events like Recharge & Usage.
  • Getting the Usage & Recharge threshold for launching the ATL & BTL campaigns.
  • Getting the KPI for analyzing the campaign’s/offers performance.
  • Monitoring the behavior of New & In-life subscriber to offers effective rewards.
  • Identifying the KPI of early churners to launch retention campaigns.
  • Measuring the Revenue uplift

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